Comes from the idea of forever questioning about how does it feels to have to face an abstract feelings towards someone we really adore, Does It Hurts will sums up your feelings to a statement before you finally can confess it later.
From the production methods, this time Elio did a very right decision by letting Fidellis Altara give an advice for him to did a hybrid recording sessions and also giving his hands on to the mix and mastering so the songs goes like what he wants sonically.
Aiming for more audiences, Rendy Bagas take the best addition to put Lidya Anthony to take more parts on the vocal department as much as to drive more listeners jump in to the band’s rabbit hole and Danis Azka on the four-strings department. Also, letting Antonio Dandy lend his hand into the drumming department to give more wider-room nuances by some fill-in he did. Does It Hurts might be the first steppingstones for Elio to shape their soundscapes into their dark episode of shoegaze and give them a stronghold to their beginning of guitar music world.

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